If you're not Connecting with your Target Audience...Here's what you do

If you're not Connecting with your Target Audience...Here's what you do

So, you're feeling burnt out from posting consistently on social media all day but getting little to no engagement. You've been creating content day after day, but you’re not getting likes, comments, follow, sales or much of anything really.

More than likely there's a disconnect between your brand and content strategy.

Your content probably isn't connecting with your audience. Have you been posting content you like or content you know your audience will like? Let's reevaluate. 

Connecting with your audience require a bit of strategy. 

You need to know what to post, why you are posting it, what's the purpose of posting it and why your audience should care about it. You get all of that through building your brand strategy. 

From there, your brand strategy should connect with your content strategy. (Yes, I say this a lot!)

Brand strategy in simple terms, is the building block to building a connection with your audience for your brand.

So, with that being said...

Let's focus on what to do when you're not connecting with your target audience.

So, what affects the connection between your brand and your audience? 

Your social media presence/Your persona

Most customers will find you organically through a quick internet search or through social media.

If social media is the first thing they come across, the potential customer is now looking at your pictures, your content, what you say/copy, what you talk about and so on. This is the first impression that the customer has about your business.

Based on what they see and the "feeling it evokes", the customer will then follow, like, comment or go to your website, or decide you aren't interesting to them and keep it moving.

So, let's look at what, within your brand’s strategy, impacts this first impression.



Make sure your social media profiles are public and up to par. Your profile image should be welcoming, customers should know what you do or sell without having to search for it (BIO). 


Know what your content pillars are (know what you're talking about), be cohesive. Your topics shouldn't be all over the place. Know your customer, what they're struggling with and how you can solve that problem for them. 


Talk to your audience in a way that resonates with them. Center your messaging around your customer and not yourself. This will help with emotionally connecting with them. Use lingo your customer uses.


Visual branding (logo, website, custom content, etc.) comes AFTER you have a brand strategy in place. Your visual elements should align with the type of brand you are and the type of customer you're aiming to connect with.


Brand Strategy isn't one and done.

Your brand strategy is a guide to building your business efficiently. It's likely to change as your business changes, life changes and the economy changes.

So as things changes here's what you should reevaluate... 


Your brand's mission, vision, purpose, values and business goals. 



Make sure your unique positioning still makes sense for your audience so that they're not confused. Do you no longer sell plus size clothes, but didn't make your audience aware? That's important.

Confusing your audience will cause them to deter. 

Positioning is how your audience sees you. If I saw you as the go to for plus size lounge wear, but now you no longer post about it and your content is all petite related. You're no longer the expert in that industry and I am no longer interested in what it is you're offering. 

So be clear. Be precise. Make things make sense.



The next thing you want to look at is your ideal customer. The better you know the, the better you will be able to create content that connects with them. Ask your audience questions. Get to know them. Find out what things they have in common amongst each other.

Spend time focusing on your customer's journey. 


What's Next?

Are you ready to connect with your audience better? Then Grab my FREE Brand & Target Audience Training below! 


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