Manfesting Six Figures

Manfesting Six Figures

If you could write yourself a check for any amount before 2022, How much would you write it for, and why?
Got the amount in your head?
Now make it a goal!
I want you to literally write yourself a check for said amount and add it to your vision board, your office planner, your white board in your office...somewhere important.
In 2020 around November/December I made it a FINANCIAL goal to make 5 figures. I told myself if I could make at least $1000 each month I'd hit the bare minimum of 5 figures! At the time, it seems so unrealistic I made a smaller goal just in case!
That's called not believing in yourself.
Well let me tell you something...
With that particular business I exceeded my 5 figure (bare minimum) goal.
Sis, if I can do it with the faith of a mustard seed, you can too!
I'm giving you all a free template so that you can write yourself a check for your business.
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