9TO5 Career vs. Full Time Entrepreneur

9TO5 Career vs. Full Time Entrepreneur

Working from home is a decision not a luxury.
Change your mindset.
More than likely the company you're working for was started by one person or a group of people, who made a DECISION to do something different than the norm.
Do you see Jeff Bezos clocking in to work a warehouse shift at Amazon? No. But he started somewhere. Somewhere between that start point and who he is now, he made some DECISIONS to do something different. & I'm sure the journey was not and is not all cupcakes and rainbows.
Working for yourself, doesn't necessarily mean you have more time either. (Especially when you're first starting out). At a 9to5 you get paid for the time you put in, that has been tracked through some sort of system.
With self-employment, no matter how much TIME you put IN, if you don't close the sale. You don't make the money. Is isn't necessarily EASIER. Again it is a DECISION.
A DECISION that if I put the work in, learn more, implement what I've learned, etc. my business will grow. My business will be successful... and eventually, I'll have more freedom because of this.
Financial Freedom. Generational Freedom. Freedom with time.
So. How bad do you want it? 🤔
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